프로그래밍 3

liTag, olTag&ulTag, TitleTag 및 태그의 구조

■LiTag 목차를 완료하려면 다음과 같이 입력해야 한다. 1.HTML 2.CSS 3.JavaScript HTML Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render them into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance o..

<HTML tag> strong, hTag

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web application ↓ Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web application h1 : 제목 태그 h1 태그의 경우 줄 바꿈 기능이 있고, 사이즈별로 h1,h2,h3... 나뉜다 숫자가 커질수록 사이즈가 작아진다. This is heading 1 This is heading 2 This is heading 3 This is heading 4 This is heading 5 This is headin..